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The mother Earth

Posted on May 1, 2015 in Nezařazené

The mother Earth, Digital painting, 100×70 cm, 2015

Mother Earth_web


The mother Earth, Digital painting, 70×100 cm, 2014

Prayer for the Earth, short animated movie 2014, poster

























“Prayer for the Earth”, Art design for short animated movie, digital painting, 2014

Prayer for the Earth, short animated movie 2014, still 3

yurdakul_linda_screen 04_modlitba pro zemi_2014Modlitba pro zemi (0-01-42-21)yurdakul_linda_screen 07_modlitba pro zemi_2014yurdakul_linda_screen 10_modlitba pro zemi_2014Prayer for the Earth, short animated movie 2014, still 4Modlitba pro zemi (0-00-44-15) Modlitba pro zemi (0-00-47-16)